Our 高中 Preview Day and Open House events for grades 9-12 are coming up!  网上注册



Our study of visual arts will promote and encourage a thoughtful and aesthetic response to God’s revelation of Himself and His purposes in creation, the effects of the fall throughout creation, and the work of Christ to bring redemption to man and substantial healing to the world.




学生 imitate their creator God when they visit the art room each week. Elementary students are exposed to a variety of mediums including; watercolors, 蛋彩画颜料, 铅笔, 彩色铅笔, 标记, 粘土, 还有油彩. Teaching is based on the elements of art and the principles of 设计. Projects are centered on artists and correlate with classroom instruction. We strive to glorify God through our artwork and instruction.


We recognize that God has expressed creativity as a core attribute in His creation. Art is a powerful and influential expression of God’s indescribable creativity and the world’s wonderful complexity. Because each person is created in the image of God as a creative and inventive decision-maker, we are committed to the study of art as a part of an excellent academic education each year in middle school. In Art classes our students will learn skills and elements that will increase aesthetic awareness, gain an appreciation for forms and styles, 学习历史, 文化和社会影响, develop personal skills to produce products and performances, utilize their learning to critique art, and examine art’s influence on a view of the world from a Christian perspective. 另外, we are committed to teaching Art because it enhances our students’ perceptions of the beauty of all creation. Art instruction is a part of our overall goal at Eastern Christian to develop within each student a knowledge of God and His world as each student identifies and cultivates his/her God-given talents for ministry and service.




学生 in this course will learn drawing, 绘画, 设计, 雕塑, and printmaking on an introductory level. As the course progresses students will be given slightly more advanced problems in each medium and will deal with concepts and 作文 in Art issues. 除了学习创造艺术, students will learn about Art 历史 and learn how to engage in art criticism. There will be at least one field trip and attendance is required. 学生 will be required to do weekly sketchbook assignments. 需要做一些研究.


This course will include study of building vessels by hand and on the wheel as well as methods of producing 雕塑 from 粘土 and other materials. Intro to the chemistry of glazes will be included.



Studying advanced techniques in the 粘土 building process, 以及先进的理念, 设计理论, and stylistic expression in three dimensions.


This course will be a study of 雕塑-in-the-round and relief 雕塑, 关注质量, 重量, 和平衡. 学生 will research and discover various styles and problems in three-dimensional art. Media studied will be wood, 粘土, cardboard, paper, paper maché, etc. Styles highlighted will be Realism, Abstraction, and Geometric form. 将需要例行报告.


绘画 will include oils, acrylics and watercolor. 每个项目将花费三个星期的时间. 学生 will be allowed to choose their favorite medium and take it to its fullest possibilities.

画 will include 铅笔, charcoal, charcoal 铅笔, pen and ink and pastels. 重点放在阴影上, 作文, 高亮显示, 音调的微妙之处, texture and positive-negative space problems. Portraits and studies of still life and anatomy will be included here.


This course will continue to develop elements and principles of 设计 in order to lay down the basics for creating images using printmaking techniques. 学生 will learn woodblock, linoleum, screen, stenciling and mono-printing methods.


With the use of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop computer programs, the students will solve visual problems using images and text. 学生将学习布局技巧, acquire the ability to combine visual with verbal information, they will use creativity not only to 设计 but to also catch the public’s attention, and they will learn to discern between what the world values and what we as Christians should value.


先进的组合 will be open to students who have shown a true proficiency in art and would consider pursuing further study on the college level. The course would follow the requirements handed down by the Educational Testing Service in order to take the portfolio exam: Sign up in College & Career Office is required for AP test and cost of AP test is the responsibility of the student.


〇“发现学习现场” An artistic journey to personal purpose, service and outreach.

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